
Pad Printing Inks

Pad Printing is a Science (not an art)

Price: $85

For 2023 John Kaverman, 30 year industry expert and trainer, has published Pad Printing is a Science (Not an Art). The new book is 256 pages of in-depth information on the pad printing process. It includes information on pad print machines, accessories, inks and additives, transfer pads, cliches and automation. There are sections on almost everything related to pad printing including increasing productivity and efficiency, project management, cost estimating, tips for printing on textures, optimal plant conditions, preparing for installation and training. It is an excellent overview of the complete pad printing process and can be used for high level project management and troubleshooting at the press. The new book is available in a printed copy only.

For more details and to order your copy, contact us directly at, reach out to John Kaverman at, or download and compete this order form.