Pad Printing Inks

In order to ensure that you’re are supplied with the type of plate that best meets your requirements we offer 10mm steel, 0.5mm steel, 7 types of photopolymer, and various laser plate materials, which are engraved.

10mm STEEL

10 mm steel cliches yield more than one million impressions. Our steel cliches are made of special, high-quality material that is fine lapped and has a low chrome content. The absence of chrome allows for a much finer etch quality and smoother etch base. The material is less granular and you will see it in the print quality of fine details and the regularity of the ink film layer when it is transferred to the part.


0.5 mm steel cliches offer an economical mid range solution in terms of durability, with print runs of 100,000-250,000 impressions possible. Typically there is a trade off in quality, but we do not use the standard spring steel from a roll. Our thin steel plates go through another processing step and are lapped flat. This improves the doctoring of the cup by taking out any waves that may be present in base stock. It also opens up the pores of the material and allows for a much more consistent chemical etch.


Photopolymer and laser clichés yield 10,000 to 100,000 impressions, making them the perfect solution for the majority of applications. You may choose to have us etch your cliches, or make them yourself easily and economically. We can cut them to any size and have the ability to punch them to work with the alignment pins on all major brands of pad printing equipment. They are available at different price points that reflect the durability of the material. We also have specialty plates for extra fine images.

Episode 3: Pad Print Cliche Etching Basics

In this episode I discuss the common misconception that exposing the plate equals etching the plate. Cliche making fundamentals are discussed. Later episodes will deal with the details related to film, line screen, plates, etc. Sorry for the focus changing and the creaky floor. I promise to get better as I go.

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